Songs to Write By: 70s Style

Okay, you might wonder why I’m writing the unofficial soundtrack to this book when I’ve already told you that I don’t tend to listen to music when I write. Well, the reason is that these songs, while not helping me write the book, are an inspiration. They’re songs I either mention in it or songs that I associate with my aunt and uncle or they might just be really good 70s bangers from 1975-1978, the time frame of this book.

Some I have an explanation for and some I don’t, but I hope you enjoy, get your nostalgia on, or maybe find something you hadn’t heard of before.

  1. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen, released August of 1975.

This one actually is in the book. When I was thinking what song to put in, I realized this one captured the essence of what I felt like their relationship was at the time it came out.

2. Hotel California by the Eagles, released December of 1976.

Another one in the book. This one is a direct quote from my uncle when telling me stories. They did indeed listen to this song the way they do in the book.

3. Color My World by Chicago, re-released June of 1971

This one is personal. My uncle suggested it as the song we play during a picture tribute for my aunt’s funeral. It still makes me tear up.

4. Star Wars: A New Hope Main Title by John Williams, released 1977

Well, they watched the movie in the 70s and I mentioned it in the book, so it absolutely counts, right?

5. Jaws Main Title by John Williams, released in 1975.

One of their first dates, so it’s definitely important! That John Williams, man.

6. I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor, released in October of 1978

I always pictured my aunt singing this at the beginning of the story even if it wasn’t released yet.

7. Jesus Will Give You Rest by Fanny Crosby, written in the 1800s.

You guessed it, this hymn is an essential one for our hero at some point in the book.

8. You’re the One That I Want by Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta, released 1978

Well, this was definitely an anthem for them, picking each other over everyone else.

Current word count: Rough Draft Complete at 125,521! I’ll definitely let you know more about that process and next steps in the future.

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